30 May, 2009

entry hampeh....

Hik hik hik masih gelak lagi.....
Bukan apa.... aku ni kadang tensen gak ngan mulutku sendiri yg agak CELUPAR but i kanot help myself laaaa..... so since connection tenet problems ..aku gunalah celcom broadband boss aku tu kan utk settlekan keje aku secara perlahan-lahan.....
so since downloading took quite sometimes aku tanya bos aku few questions laaaa and the conversation goes like this.....(my bos the md for this co so i only answered directly back to him...)
me : bos u tau tak itu SIPUT BABI?
bos : yaaaa tau tau....awat?
me : bos i rasa kan..... itu SIPUT BABI lagi laju dari u punya broadband...
bos : muka blur cam hampeh siap bengang sume cukup
aku gelak ngan muka cam kerang busuk sebab rasa cam bos kecik ati kat aku... hik hik hik.... jahat ke mulut aku? tulah kadang2 my hubby kata u r too direct ...kenot be like that laaa sayang try the urge to comments about something until u thought it out first...tapi that's just me... i cannot laaaa.... sometimes i felt that my mouth is faster than my brains so how? .... i'm learning to take five at the moment before commenting on anything but it's hard so hard.... i needed some sort of therapy to ease up on my pain of not commenting on something.... ... like wow....what a weird looking color for hair...(my chinese mechanic ...he turned his hair this greenish/bluish color).... or wow why is your wrist watch so HUMONGOUS? it looked like my home wall clock? ahaks those are the comments i'm trying to suppress at the moment... ooooo looky that?.... why are you wearing those green looking jeans? are they smeared in some sort of moss? see? i'm feeling sick to my stomach at my own inability to say something...but these words kept ringing in my head...the words from my wise hubby.....
"KERANA PULUT SANTAN BINASA.... KERANA MULUT BADAN MERASA" ooooooo yes control control trying to control....NOPE i have to comment if not those comments are going to stuck in my heads forever..... HELP....

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My pride and joy

My pride and joy

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