14 January, 2011

bz lately

Salam koram.... kesibukan ku kebelakangan ini berpunca dari ASST AKU sekor tu benti... hehehehe so byk keje kena cover sendiri....TERIMAKASIH YA ALLAH kerana ada datang lagi sorang penganti... so bz training staff baru...then mcm mcm plak problem pc aku ni ... a bit sakit jiwa.. dan xtra tambah bz sebab ketiadaan EN FADZ yang keje mcm org gila....jap di perlis, jap di sintok dan jap lagi dah sampai kulim and then call lagi ada kat sp...PEMSAM hehehehehehe ALHAMDULLILAH mmg job EN FADZ lately sampai tak cukup kaki tangan so kena accept jeklah kan...

nak benti keje pun ada sebab nak concentrate on my children studies sendiri...but then.... terpikir aku ni jenis IMPATIENT tak boleh ajar org ...antara reason kenapa anak anak tak suka belajar kalau aku yang monitor...sebab aku garang...and i expect u cepat dapat.... u boleh tanya TWICE jek kalau u tak paham ... sebab aku rasa aku bagi explanation sgt clear.... if u dare to ask me the THIRD time...mmg nayalah ko kena bebel kurun ini...

kang aku benti keje aku BORING LA PLAK KAN takdelah keje lain selain jalan jalan cari pasai laa aku hehehehehhe so better keje jek laaaa hehehehhee... so nak antar tuition mcm sakit ati jek...takde improvement pun hmmmmmm aku cuma monitor 1 hour jek depa study after that aku dah CEMOIH hehehehe aka BRAIN DEAD okeh...
apa apa tak tau lagi undecided.... discussion about our next car is still going on... aku leaning towards the ever cute SUZUKI SWIFT ...then kata kat EN FADZ whatever u decide laa sebab u nak beli kan...  there are 3 most important things u need to know about what i want from a vehicle i'll be ferrying to and fro;
1. hatchback
2. black color
3. auto... pemsam aku lama tak bawa manual hahahahahhaha

walau bz EN FADZ STILL finds the time to layan layan me as usual... thanks u so much... sorry i byk merajuk lately...saja it's my way of saying I MISS U A LOT...

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My pride and joy

My pride and joy

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